Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gabby and Emily: BFF's

Gabby's BFF Emily came over with her Mommy, her Daddy, and her sister Lily, who also happens to be Bryn's BFF. So fun to get the kids together!
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Bobby!

We made the trek out to Yelm today to go to Bobby's birthday party. Can't believe he turned 6 already! It was a super hot day, and we all enjoyed some cool, refreshing watermelon. I thought that Bryn bit off more than she could chew, but she finished the entire slice!
She had a super fun day playing with cousins that we don't get to see often enough.
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Friday, June 25, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dance Fever

Bryn loves to dance, and when she's wearing a dress, she loves to spin. Here, you can't hear the music, but she's dancing to "Once Upon a Dream" from Sleeping Beauty. She loves that song...

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Daddy's Socks

Bryn was chilly while hanging out on the couch with baby Gabbie, so decided to put on some socks. She grabbed a pair of Mike's and pulled them on like tights. What a funny kid!
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Too cool for school

Bryn loves watching "Word World" on the DVD player in our new car. In fact, it's tough to get her to pay attention to much else while we are driving. Every once in a while I'll tell her that her headphones are out of batteries so she'll talk with me.

Anyway, I loved her kick-back pose here. She's certainly her father's daughter!

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