Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Earlier today, Bryn started wiping down her easel with a wet towel.  I commented on how nice it was of her to clean up her stuff.  Then she asked me if she could get a piece of paper wet.  Then she asked me if she could get a brochure wet.  It occurred to me that I hadn't heard the sink running, so checked, and sure enough, there was the washcloth and the paper floating in the toilet.  Along with a poo nugget that hadn't flushed.  Could have been worse, I guess.  She could have flushed the whole mess down.

The moral to this story is twofold:
1. Thank goodness for bleach wipes
2. Beware of dusted surfaces in my house.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Tooth number 4

Popped in today.  Poor kid has had a rough month - four teeth plus roseola!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Grumbly Gabby

Gabs has reached the stage where she gets mad if you don't give her what she wants.  Awesome!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Too late

I already sent out the Christmas cards, but surely would have used one of these shots, had I waited.

This is by far my favorite - it shows just how much Bryn loves that little baby. Warms my heart!

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Mobile baby

So Bella B is crawling backwards, finally. She does a lot of rolling around, pushing back, sitting up, and rolling over again. She's surprisingly mobile, for a non-crawler. Today, I came out of the bathroom to find her undecorating the Christmas tree. And of course, she found the spot most concentrated with ornaments (thanks to Bryn's bang-up job of tree decorating).

There's a distinct "what, Mom?" look on her face here.

Debating whether or not to put it in her mouth. Almost everything goes in her mouth, so I quickly got it out of her hands.

Now that she can't reach any ornaments, she's ready to open presents! Being ready for Christmas early might not work out in my favor this year!
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bored to sleep!

At least that's what I tell myself. Mike was hanging with Bella B while I cleaned the kitchen, and when I came to get her, she was fast asleep next to him. Wish I could do that...

And P.S. to Mike - Movember is OVER. SHAVE YOUR MOUSTACHE!!!
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Monday, December 6, 2010

Decorating the tree

Bryn was an awesome help. However, she was pretty focused on one small area of the tree. So, if our tree tips over this year, I'll know why. I think I counted 15 ornaments in a 1x1 area. If Mike hadn't stepped in about half way through, we wouldn't have had ornaments anywhere else on the whole tree. And that probably would have been just fine...
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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Two little monkeys

We got our Christmas Tree today. Those photos are on a different camera, but here are my two little girls in monkey jawammies, hamming it up for the camera. So cute!!

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Playing Taco

With our awesome radiant floor heating, the very best way to dry big comforters and blankets is to just lay them out on the floor. This, however, is an invitation for play, as demonstrated in the photos that follow...

Bryn wanted me to roll her up like a taco, so we rolled back and forth, back and forth, for easily half an hour.

Then she decided she wanted to roll me up like a taco. That was pretty funny. Thank goodness there are no photos to document the hilarity that ensued!!
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