Monday, January 3, 2011

Elmo is pooped!

My sister, Kelly, gave Bryn a "Hokey Pokey Elmo" doll, a hand-me-down from her kids.  At the end of singing the hokey pokey, Elmo says "Whew!  Elmo is pooped!  Goodbye!"

After hearing that today, Bryn ran to me and said "Mommy, hurry!  I need a wipe and some big girl panties!  Elmo pooped!!!"

OMG I love that kid.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Earlier today, Bryn started wiping down her easel with a wet towel.  I commented on how nice it was of her to clean up her stuff.  Then she asked me if she could get a piece of paper wet.  Then she asked me if she could get a brochure wet.  It occurred to me that I hadn't heard the sink running, so checked, and sure enough, there was the washcloth and the paper floating in the toilet.  Along with a poo nugget that hadn't flushed.  Could have been worse, I guess.  She could have flushed the whole mess down.

The moral to this story is twofold:
1. Thank goodness for bleach wipes
2. Beware of dusted surfaces in my house.