Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Snowball Fight

Alex stayed back at Grandma's, but the rest of the cousins got in a fun-spirited snowball fight.

Even Grandma got in on the festivities!

Rosy cheeks and out of breath, all except Snoozing Gabs. What fun!
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More snow fun!

Here's Bryn's first snowball...

Sanctioned throwing things is lots of fun!

Bella B slept through the whole thing.

She looked like the kid on A Christmas Story that couldn't put his arms down. But that's a small price to pay, she was toasty in there!
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Getting Ready

My little supermodel. She looks so cute in hats!

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

SnowMageddon 2010

We got a light dusting of snow this week, which pretty much shut the city down. Nicely done, Seattle!

Bryn and I had a window of opportunity for some fun outdoor play one day while Bella B was taking one of her marathon naps. So, we bundled up and went outside.

First we built a smiling snowman. He lasted for two pictures.

Here's the action shot of Bryn "Mock it down!!!"

I couldn't find her mittens, so she's got on mine. She doesn't seem to care much, does she?
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Monday, November 22, 2010

First tooth

Yesterday, for the first time, my Bella Gabriella chomped on me while nursing.  The first time, I didn't think much of it.  The second time really hurt, and it occurred to me to check in her mouth to see if anything new was going on.  Sure enough, there was her first tooth peeping out of her gums - the lower middle right tooth.  So cute!  I can't wait until it grows in enough to see it.  I love toothy baby grins!

You can see tooth #2 just below the surface here...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Those cheeks!

Yes, she really is THAT beautiful!!
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4 Generations

We went to Arizona for my Granny's 93rd birthday this year. It was wonderful to see her, and let her meet my sweet girls - Bella B for the first time, and Bryn as she changes and grows. Mom wanted to take a "4 Generations" picture, and I'm so glad she suggested it. These are some of my favorite women in the world. I'm in good company!
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thank goodness for bed rails

I went in to feed Gabs at about 1am this morning, and here's how I found Bryn:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Firsts and Lasts

Yesterday was a strange day for me.  It was my last day at work.  Gab is staunch in her refusal of a bottle, and just isn't that interested in solid food.  It made things pretty hairy for Mike and Bryn while I was at work for a full day, and we got to a point that the trauma just wasn't worth the salary.  I don't think it will be forever, but for right now, I need (get) to be a stay-at-home-mom.

So my last day of work was packed.  I was at work earlier than normal to help out with a class, and Mike drove the girls in over lunchtime so Gab could have a snack.  Then back to my office to finish packing and turn in my employee ID.  My colleagues surprised Kay Kay (her last day too) and I with a cake (thanks Jun!), so I was at the office longer than expected.  I rushed home after cake, fed Gabs, then back to the U-Dist for a final happy hour.  Which turned into two and a half hours.  It was just hard to say goodbye.

When I got home, Gabby did her usual squeal and grin when she saw me.  However, when I picked her up, she leaned over with her little drooley mouth open, touched her mouth to my lips.  Her first kiss!  It was so sweet, and just what I needed after an emotionally draining day.

What a wonderful baby, what a wonderful family.  I am one lucky mom.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

6 month stats

Gabs had her 6-month well baby visit today (a couple of weeks late, due to scheduling challenges).  Here are her stats:
Height - 29", which is 99.77 percentile
Weight - 20 lbs, 11oz which is 95.23 percentile

What a big girl!!