Yesterday was a strange day for me. It was my last day at work. Gab is staunch in her refusal of a bottle, and just isn't that interested in solid food. It made things pretty hairy for Mike and Bryn while I was at work for a full day, and we got to a point that the trauma just wasn't worth the salary. I don't think it will be forever, but for right now, I need (get) to be a stay-at-home-mom.
So my last day of work was packed. I was at work earlier than normal to help out with a class, and Mike drove the girls in over lunchtime so Gab could have a snack. Then back to my office to finish packing and turn in my employee ID. My colleagues surprised Kay Kay (her last day too) and I with a cake (thanks Jun!), so I was at the office longer than expected. I rushed home after cake, fed Gabs, then back to the U-Dist for a final happy hour. Which turned into two and a half hours. It was just hard to say goodbye.
When I got home, Gabby did her usual squeal and grin when she saw me. However, when I picked her up, she leaned over with her little drooley mouth open, touched her mouth to my lips. Her first kiss! It was so sweet, and just what I needed after an emotionally draining day.
What a wonderful baby, what a wonderful family. I am one lucky mom.
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