Friday, September 24, 2010

What is his name?

So, at some point during their two hour day at preschool, the kids break up into groups and have snack.  Each kid is assigned a color at the start of the year, and they sit with their same color group all year for snack.  Bryn's snack buddy is Matteo, a cutie little guy that (so far) is pretty quiet.

Now, for you and I, Matteo might be easy to pronounce.  However, for a 2.5-year-old, it's a bit tougher.  If you were to ask Bryn who her snack buddy is, she would tell you either "Tow-mato" or "Ma-tay-to".  Either one sends me into giggle fits.  Matteo has forever secured a fond place in my heart.

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