Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blue streak

Bryn has had her ups and downs with language.  For a long time, she dropped the "F-bomb" like a sailor.  My favorite story to tell is the time we were in a Costco parking lot, and someone across the way honked their horn.  Bryn hardly looked up from the toy she was playing with and said "F**cking A**hole".  Mike and I were shocked into silence and make a little resolution then and there to clean up our driving language.  After a few weeks of gentle correction and replacement, the F-bomb disappeared.

Today, I was putting a cleaning disk in the toilet tank when Bryn came in.  She saw the top of the tank in the bathtub and me with a focused look on my face and said "Oh, Dammit Mommy, why did you do that?"  Awesome.

I am learning (yet again) that kids are not only just like sponges, they also resemble tape recorders.  And not necessarily in a fun way.

Back to my best behavior!!

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